Here at Jubilee it is our passion to help raise up a generation of young farmers who will populate the countryside using restorative agriculture principles to heal this county's land and broken food systems.

Spend 5 months with us and leave years ahead! Room and board provided! You will learn about beekeeping, growing fruit and nut trees, raising pastured broilers, laying hens, salad bar beef, organic grain growing, maple syrup production (March only), homesteading, direct marketing and sales and the day to day operation of a permaculture/restorative agriculture/Joel Salatin style farm + so much more! Homestead dairy cow coming Spring 2019!

We are very, very, very discriminatory — we're looking for a bright eyed, bushy-tailed, self-starter, eager-beaver, situationally aware, go-get-'em, teachable, positive, non complaining, grateful, rejoicing, get'er done, dependable, faithful, perseverant, take responsibility guy or gal 18 years or older. 6 days/week. Expectations – Like any  experience, you will get out of it what you put into it. Physically, you will be in better shape than you ever thought possible. Emotionally, you will know what you did today, why it was important and feel great about it. Warning – you will be sore, ache, dead tired and be sick for 3 days in your first 2 weeks. Once you get acclimated, you'll be more physically fit than you've ever been in your life. But it won't feel good getting there. Our hope is that after the internship you would have the skills to start your own farming enterprise or you may be selected to stay on at Jubilee for an apprenticeship program with the possibility of running your own farm under the Jubilee umbrella.

How to Apply

Please email a resume and brief cover letter to: