Small Farm. Real Food.
posted on
November 2, 2019
It's easy to just see the piles of plastic wrapped meat at the grocery store and not consider where it came from. I did this for years never connecting the meat in the store to the living, breathing animal it originated from.
Oh how I've changed! It's now become a passion of mine to encourage people to see where their food actually comes from.
If you're new to buying direct from a small farm, there’s a few things that you should know.
Whole animals
What I've come to appreciate is a chicken is more than a breast, a cow is more than a steak. Because we take so much time and care to
raise these animals right, we feel a personal responsibility to make use of the whole animal. This means sometimes opting for less popular cuts like chicken legs, ground meats, using bones and feet for bone broths, and getting adventurous with organs (possibly the most nourishing part of the animal).
Being a small farm we just can't bump up production to meet the high demand for chicken breasts and filet mignon (tenderloin) steaks, unless we know we can use all the accompanying off cuts, organs and bones.
Slow Grown
When we run out of product we can't simply make or order more. When we sell out of a product you may see the dreaded “sold out” sign for some time- and that’s okay. That just means we’re taking our time to grow more, doing it the right way. Because we're in Canada and our chickens are pasture raised, we grow and harvest all of chickens in the warmer months when the grass is green and the forages are lush. There’s definitely a path to ramp up production quickly, but it comes with compromises we’re not willing to make. For example, we refuse to raise chickens or pigs in a barn just to have meat available year round. Nor do we harvest our cows in the winter when the meat is not at it's highest nutritional value as in the fall and spring.
Small Family Farm
We’re a husband and wife team with 3 little helpers + baby and a few amazing, passionate part-time employees :) We're working hard every day, usually out in the field so we may not get to answer every phone call or answer every email right away -but we will always get back to you when we can.

We may geek out on you from time to time- we're just really passionate about regenerative agriculture and getting the word out about this type of farming.
And in my opinion the best benefit of buying from a small family farm is the fact that we're feeding this same meat to our families meaning no compromises ever!
We’re thrilled to be sharing our pasture raised meats with our local communities (PEC, Belleville, Toronto & the GTA). We really appreciate your support as we grow!
If you have any questions please email us at We promise we’ll get back to you as soon as the cows and chickens are moved and the pigs are happy ;)