Tex-Mex Ground Grassfed Beef Tacos

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November 28, 2022


Sometimes, when you’re in the mood for tacos, there is only one that will truly hit the spot: classic Tex-Mex tacos. As long as you have the delicious ground beef, an overflowing toppings bar, and the crunchy hard shells, this meal is guaranteed to be a crowd favorite.


1 medium onion chopped
3 garlic cloves diced
1 pound Jubilee Farm grassfed ground beef
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon onion salt
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 4oz can green chiles
1 cup beef broth
12 corn tortillas OR store-bought hard taco shells
Vegetable oil

Tex Mex ground grassfed beef tacos ingredients

Suggested Toppings for your Tex-Mex Taco Bar:

Cheddar cheese
Sour cream
Hot sauce


 1. Heat oil over medium-high in pan, cook onion until soft (7-9 minutes). Add garlic, cook until fragrant.

 2. Add the grassfed ground beef and saute until cooked through.

 3. Set up colander on top of bowl and drain meat from pan. Put aside the meat in colander, and return fat to pan.

 4. Add all seasonings and flour to fat in the pan and stir. 

 5. Add canned green chiles and beef stock, stir well. Cook over medium heat until liquid reduces (10-14 minutes). 

 6. Add ground beef back to pan. Taste and adjust seasonings to your liking.

 7. Fill tortillas shells with meat mixture, and serve with your choice of toppings. 

Makes 12 tacos

Tex Mex ground grassfed beef tacos on plate

Recipe credit to: White Oak Pastures

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