A Time For Thankfulness

A few days ago Tim challenged all the Jubilee Farm Families to take a few minutes to reflect and be thankful and to share a few things they were thankful for. We really appreciate all of your responses. Thank you for taking the time to share. food I am thankful for living in a wonderful country like Canada . I am very grateful to have a cottage in beautiful and peaceful PEC. So thankful I have been blessed with good health. Also my family is healthy. My wonderful family around the world and the wonderful lifelong friends and new friends along the way My 7 children and 13 grandchildren first and foremost! I’ve always wanted to be a mom and grandchildren are an extra bonus. The many new friendships I have made recently, primarily on Facebook, as people sort themselves into categories of libertarian versus authoritarian. My child. I am extremely thankful for our many blessings - of faith and health and happiness and comfort everyday. Yes, our little family of 3 sons, an awesome DIL and two 'perfect' grandsons are our biggest blessing of all. I've just finished radiation for prostate cancer. I'm grateful for the complete care and compassion of staff at the Cancer Centre and for a health care system, however imperfect, that allows everyone to have this care regardless of ability to pay. the useful side of technology - video chat and conferencing to stay in touch during the pandemic and to learn from teachers whom I've not been able to go learn with in-person Gods patience with me The lights of my life are my grand daughters. Each brings her own challenge for their parents, but for me they fill my heart to overflowing. Being able to provide for my family and keep everyone healthy and happy. Family will always come first For forgiveness..in this later stage of life one can see their mistakes more clearly but also how forgiveness allows hope to rule the day. I am struggling with stage III cancer and I am so grateful to have the love and support of friends and a loving caring daughter. I have work. I can pay my bills. I have food on the table and a home to live in. Everyone who is doing their part to keep us all safe at this crazy time. My wonderful husband who is a blessing to me each and every day. Life is a joy with him❤️ My connection with Jubilee and the delicious foods that come from the farm. My God who gave me life. I am also thankful that i have come to a point in my life, where i do not spend my time worrying. Worry is needless 95% of time, worry will never change the end result (IF i hear something bad, that's soon enough to worry), and lastly, all the time i spend worrying, is time i can never get back....not even God can return that time to me for a 'do over'. I am blessed that i have learned that God is in control.....and i'm getting much much better at turning it over to Him, without trying to help him or advise Him how it all should end. I am thankful for that peace everyday. Friends and family who help and support each other in every way, even to the smallest detail.being able to walk and access to so many beautiful trails and outdoor spaces to go walking Beauty of nature The fact that I do have a full time job, and even in these difficult times, the bills get paid.Having access to smaller farms to build relations with local producers and the freedom to choose products that are better for my family and for the earth. Health of all family members, although some struggle, we are alive and sharingJoy...in relationships with family and friendsI feel blessed to live in Canada. The good health of my family and myself! Nature in all its splendour! The birds with their colours, markings and different characteristics. The animals that are scurrying around during this time of year. So many little blessings for sure! Wonderful new health technology that hardly anyone knows about, such as ASEA, LifeWave patches, and VoxxSocks. Feel free to ask me about these. I am now a distributor of all three products. Friends/Family Thankful to Jubilee Forest Farms for giving a young man a good solid chance. health and safety of loved ones Opportunities to make a better life for myself, and to give to others when I prosper The opportunity to spend more time with my family this year.

5 Principles of Soil Health

In the everyday work here at Jubilee most of the decisions we make, in one way or another, are driven by the goal of continuing to grow and protect soil. Here are five principles to soil health that were developed by nature over eons of time that we are committed to following as best we can.

The Soil Story

They way we grow our food either puts carbon up into our atmosphere or pulls it down into the ground. Here at Jubilee the regeneration of soil is a top priority. So what is carbon sequestration? Here's a simple video that explains the basics.

The Truth Behind Chicken Labels

I used to pay a premium for "Free Range Organic Chicken". I thought I was getting happy chickens raised outside on green pasture but little did I know loopholes in the meat labeling industry allows factory farms to use those labels while raising chickens in cement floored grow houses with lip service "access" to the outdoors. :(

How to Make Nourishing Bone Broth

Bone Broth is a mineral-rich infusion made by boiling bones of animals. It is used for its delicious flavor and many powerful health benefits that you can easily add to your family’s diet.

Is it Morally Wrong to Eat Meat?

If you are shunning meat in favour of an entirely plant-based diet because you don't believe in killing animals for food, be careful here as you’ve simply swapped the killing of large animals in favour of a food system that kills A LOT of small creatures. Let me explain...

Pasture Raised Meats & Your Health

It’s inarguable that animals raised in industrial production systems are less healthy than those raised in a natural, pasture-raised production system. Why would we believe that meat from those unhealthy animals would then be a nutritious option for our families to consume?